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The secret highly successful people know

The secret highly successful people know

I have read a couple of books that talk about this secret but what I am about to share with you never really dawned on me until recently. They say “experience is the best teacher“, yet I believe a better way to learn is from the experience of those who have gone ahead of you. Sir Isaac Newton shares the same sentiments with me and I believe that’s why he said: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants“.

What secret did I learn that has made me this excited? It is a secret that successful people practice consciously or unconsciously. I will explain further as we go on. I know this secret will enhance your career, relationships and every other area of your life if only you would make a conscious effort.

How did I stumble on this truth of success? 

I joined Instagram in January/early February. After much cajoling, I finally decided to add one more social media to the list. Instagram I must say can be pretty addictive and time-consuming but this can be countered if you remind yourself constantly about the exact reason you joined. After joining Instagram I decided to follow my competitors and people in my area of interest and one thing I have discovered they have in common is what I am here to talk about.

What is this secret? 

Remember how I said in my first post that I am an introvert? Well, Instagram/other social media platforms have been helpful in helping me meet a couple of people besides my prospective audience. It is also was a conscious effort. As I began to follow people in my area of interest I discovered this secret.

Getting right to the heart of the matter – The secret is simple; they all had the same “Friends” in common. Seems like something trivial but it’s something I know that they understand. They usually have the same circle thereby supporting the theory that says “Birds of the same feather flock together”.

Their selection I have come to understand varies for each individual i.e “Same field”, “Same drive”, “Common goals”…

How does this affect you? 

Food for thought –

“You are the average of five people you spend the most time with.”

Jim Rohn

I’d like for you to write down your five closest friends – You are the average of these five people. Don’t panic! Essentially you are currently the average of these people or it is safer to say that you are birds of the same feather.

If among your friends you are the wisest then you either pull them to your level or they drag you to their level. Now is the time to think about who you surround yourself with. The earlier you apply this to every area of your life the better.

Do not go making friends because of what you can get from them. You should also think of what you can add to your friends.

“Iron sharpeneth Iron… (Prov 27:17)”

Make a conscious effort today and ask God to bring the right people your way.

I would love to hear from you, please leave a comment below and also share what you have learned with me and others that will be reading this post.

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