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Creative Thanksgiving Side Dishes That Will Steal The Show This Sunday

Creative Thanksgiving Side Dishes That Will Steal The Show This Sunday

Thanksgiving Hack 102: Never end the Thanksgiving celebration without a proper Sunday dinner. Yes! A Thanksgiving holiday without a proper Sunday dinner is not the full package. To get a wholesome experience during Thanksgiving, Sunday dinner is a must. 

Thanksgiving Sunday dinners are perfect for rounding up the intentional holiday. They suggest gathering with loved ones, celebrating gratitude once again, and and indulging in a delicious feast that leaves you wishing for another Thanksgiving. 

While it is true that the turkey always takes the spotlight on the dinner table, it is also true that the fried turkey cannot do the Sunday dinner magic alone.

To create that wholesome effect, the side dishes must be creative enough that your guests almost forget about the turkey.

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This Sunday, wow your guests and leave them wanting more of your food with these side dishes: 

  1. Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic Glaze: Roasted Brussels sprouts + balsamic glaze = culinary masterpiece. Looking to leave your guests overfed this Sunday? This side dish is a must-make. With the humble Brussels sprouts roasted to golden perfection and drizzled with a balsamic glaze, this side dish is the true definition of artsy, delicious, and ideal Thanksgiving dinner.
  1. Butternut Squash and Apple Casserole: Ask me for a side dish that leave guest wanting more helpings and I will give you a butternut squash and apple casserole recipe. The blend of the natural sweetness of butternut squash with the tartness of apples in a delightful casserole gives off tasty and fun.
    Then get creative by adding a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg. This dish will immediately turn your table from regular thanksgiving dinner to a colorful and tasty Thanksgiving dinner treat. 
  1. Maple Glazed Carrots With Pecans: Let your side dish steal the show this Sunday with the delicious maple glazed carrots with pecans. I promise, no side dish does the elegance thing than this combo. Therefore, let your side dish do its elegant talking with simple carrots, a rich maple syrup, and crunchy pecans.
  1. Herb-Infused Wild Rice Pilaf: As we all know, traditional cooking is synonymous with Thanksgiving. Although traditional cooking is good, it does not steal the show. Want to know what steals the show? Herb-Infused Wild Rice Pilaf! This Sunday, upgrade your traditional stuffing with a herb-infused wild rice pilaf. Notice that this side dish brings a nutty and aromatic flavor to the table. It is also a great accompaniment to your Thanksgiving turkey.
  1. Sweet Potato and Sage Gratin: Sweet Potato and sage gratin is the side dish to round up the Thanksgiving celebration. The earthy flavor of sweet potatoes with the warmth of sage in a gratin will automatically leave your guests swooning. With its simple preparation of baking thinly sliced sweet potatoes in creamy sage-infused sauce, this side dish is certainly one where one does not have to do the most but will still get enough praise.
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