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Discovering Your Purpose

Discovering Your Purpose

A life without purpose is not one to envy. It gets extremely depleting and meaningless. No wonder Oprah Winfrey said,

There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It is why you were born. And how you become most truly alive.

Oprah Winfrey 

Seeking to discover your purpose and eventually walking in it, is what makes life worth living.

A sense of purpose makes all the difference in living out the productive, healthy, and joy-filled life everyone so desires. Statistically, people with a stronger sense of purpose live longer than those who have no aim or goal in life. Hence, it is crucial we strive to discover our God-given purpose. And even when discovered, make a conscious decision to walk in it.

Life can get wearisome and boring. Hence, what makes it more meaningful is living a spiritually fulfilling life. This way, even monotonous tasks feel impactful and worthwhile.

However, it is beneficial to understand that we cannot discuss purpose without mentioning God. It all starts with God. He is at the center of it all. He possesses the blueprint for everyone and everything. No wonder the book of Jeremiah 1:5 says:

Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 

Jeremiah 1:5 KJV

If you want to discover your purpose, look to God. 

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How then do you discover purpose?

  1. Understand that God created you with and for a purpose: You are not here on this earth by mistake, and you were not intended for testing. Before sending you forth, God has a purpose in mind. According to the Bible, “He knew you before He created you… Nonetheless, it is your job to learn this purpose by returning to God (the Creator) to learn why He created you. The Bible says in Romans 9:12:

Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor, and another unto dishonor. 

Romans 9:21 KJV

So, be aware that you cannot decide why you are here by yourself. To determine it, you must work with God.

  1. Identify what you are passionate about: Your passion is one indicator of your purpose. You can discover what leads to your purpose by discovering that thing you adore so much. If you have many interests and are passionate about them all, identify your main interest. Now, do not only find your passion—actualize it by engaging in the activities you love.
  2. Discover how you want to make an impact: Find out what matters to you more than money. That could be a pointer to your goal. Keep an eye out for situations that inspire you to act even when there is no financial gain. Have you also thought about the things you can accomplish without feeling tired? This can also be a clue to what your life’s purpose is. 
  3. Pay attention to your intuition: You may need to engage in some serious introspection to determine your life’s purpose. Go somewhere quiet to meditate to accomplish this. Find the You within you by digging deep into your heart. 
  4. Friends and family: Persons close to you can also help you to find your life’s purpose. They can do this by helping you point out those things you might not have noticed about yourself. In the end, only you and God can figure it out.
  5. Baptize yourself in God’s word: Immersing yourself in God’s words is a sure way to align with God’s plan and discover your purpose. Constantly studying and meditating on the word of God also has a way of correcting and adjusting situations that would not allow you to live your best. When in doubt or questions concerning your purpose in life, it is best to seek out God’s word.

Discovering purpose and leading a fulfilled life are concepts that should not be taken lightly. It is important to discover why you are here and how you can walk in purpose.  

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