Now Reading


Challenge: Do it now!

Yay friends, we are getting to the end of this challenge. It has really been a challenging one. This challenge was also a way of me challenging myself and fine tuning my hidden potentials, so in challenging you I have also been challenging myself. This has stretched me. It has made me write daily, plan detailed posts and try to keep to specific deadlines. I have been able to learn a lot also. I recently started taking a few courses on branding, blogging etc and I have been able to input the things I have learned so far into this challenge and I have seen results.

I will keep my speech for the last post but thanks in advance for being a part of this 7days Productivity Challenge. I hope you have learned one or two new things. Today, as we approach the end of this challenge, I am super excited and I am here to tell you to do it now!!!

Productive individuals are DO IT NOW individuals. While reading an article I stumbled on this method – Action Method and I believe it’s important if you have decided to be a do it now kind of individual. The Action Method is a method that ensures that after each idea, brainstorming or event you have concrete tasks that you can perform called action steps.

The Action Method is quite valuable in terms of having a global perspective and having concrete steps in achieving these goals. The little things you do towards the big things matter. You want to be global and not local take action steps. The Action Method helps you actualize your goals on a global platform by taking action steps towards each of them.

Think globally and not locally.

Each time you have an idea or brainstorm it is important that you immediately highlight the action steps to take. They can be integrated into your to-do-list. Action steps tend to make your to-do-list clumsy. So you can reserve a different journal for Action book.

I suggest you have an idea dump book/Action book. Write all your ideas in a book and always go back to reference it. There are ideas that may not be within your means or are not attainable at the moment but are viable in the long run.

Instead of procrastinating learn to take an action after each event. There is always an initial zeal that comes with each brainstorming or idea that you have and riding on that zeal by creating action steps increases your productivity.

See Also

Read Deep Thoughts The arrows of the pleasurable time thief

Do not wait for the conditions to be perfect they may never be perfect. Time my friend waits for no one and is forever ticking, don’t allow that dream or idea die. Start taking action steps daily in actualizing them.

Have a productive day!

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