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What A Healthy Romantic Relationship Entails

What A Healthy Romantic Relationship Entails

Healthy romantic relationship Love is a beautiful thing! It is a feeling everyone longs for. Love happens because of meeting someone who you are willing to spend the rest of your life with. Emotions such as trust, care, attraction, care, and closeness are components of love. A common phenomenon associated with love is the need to create a space for the mutual expressing and nurturing of the beautiful emotion. Relationships are these spaces. They are essential to human living because they enrich our lives and add meaning to our existence.

Therefore, what makes a romantic relationship is the passionate physical and emotional closeness. This can be either in the form of dating or marriage. 

However, it is important to note that romantic relationships can be unhealthy. This is because an inherent human trait is toxicity. And most times, this toxicity creeps into different spheres of our lives, including relationships. 

As a child of God there should be intentionality when it comes to relationships. Hence, in dating or marriage, seeking spaces that are healthy and reveal God’s love and grace should be a priority. In other words, healthy romantic relationships are a must. This is because having a healthy bond highlights a productive and excellent life. It also brings out the best in you.

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On that note, let us look at what a healthy romantic relationship entail:

  1. There is room for growth: A characteristics of all living things is growth. This applies to relationships too. A relationship is healthy when growth among partners is a feature. It should be a relationship allowing and encouraging each other to be their best selves. Any relationship where no growth occurs, is an unhealthy one. Growth involves learning, evolving, making mistakes, learning from the mistakes, failure, and success. A healthy connection is one that allows all these elements to survive without causing any strain on the relationship.
  2. Mutual respect: Respect should be paramount when it comes to relationships. It suggests setting boundaries with each other about what is permissible, and the ability of your partner to respect it. Furthermore, respect is placing value on each other’s individuality, dignity, and wishes.
  3. Good communication: When an argument happens and there is no blaming, name calling, or assumptions, this is an indicator of a good and healthy relationship. This is because it shows that the pair can effectively communicate with each other. Good communication is essential to relationships because it is a way to connect. It entails freely expressing your feelings, actively listening, and understanding each other. It makes for growth and stability in any relationship.
  4. Trust and dependability: Consistency in action and words, breeds trust. A healthy relationship thrives on trust and dependability. It means that your partner is reliable, trustworthy, and dependable. When these components are in a relationship, it sets the tone for a positive outcome in any relationship. Trust and dependability connote confidence, vulnerability, reliability, and physical and emotional safety in your partner.
  5. Honesty: A healthy relationship is one where there is no false pretense. There is an openness about wants, desires, feelings, behaviors, and thoughts. Each partner comes as they are. In relationships, honesty is indispensable. This is because it builds a base for trust and transparency. 
  6. Individuality: When in a relationship, it is important not to lose yourself in the process. The ability to balance your individual life and your relationship is key in any healthy relationship. This implies that you still have time for yourself, friends, and family. It also means that you achieve personal goals, go out alone, and interact with other people outside the relationship.

I hope this was enlightening regarding healthy romantic relationship. The truth is that relationships are essential for healthy living, so I urge you to be thorough when it comes to choosing who to love and relationships. 

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