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Why you should take stock of your actions

Why you should take stock of your actions

Sometimes we do things without reflecting on the impact of such things. Were those things needed? Did I do that well? How should I do it next time? What ways can I improve and do this better next time? These are some of the questions to ask when taking stock of our actions.

Taking stock of our actions is simply taking out time to reflect on those things we have done, not in a way that weighs us down or demoralizes us, rather, in a way that helps us improve and act better next time.

Part of the things I like doing is to take stock. I like taking stock of different things such as taking stock of my work, taking stock of my actions and words, and reflecting on them whether there is need to adjust or not.

Taking stock of me, simply requires settling down, whether physically or in your head, and reflecting. Reflecting allows you to go over things that have happened in the past.

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When we take stock of our actions, here is what happens;

  1. Awareness: being aware is one of the important things in life. When you are aware, you are not just living life anyhow you are in the know about the things you are doing unconsciously or consciously. When you are aware, you are in touch with yourself, with your environs, and with what you are doing. When you take stock of your actions, you reflect on what you have done, and you are aware of it.
  2. You can adjust: it is easy to adjust when we take stock. When we take stock, we can easily know something we have done wrong before and simply adjust.
  3. Planning: taking stock also helps in our planning. For instance, if you have some goals that you need to accomplish and you haven’t started working on the goals. When you take stock of your actions, you can think about habits that can help you in achieving your goals.

Tips on how to take stock of our actions:

  1. Set out time to reflect: you need to set out to reflect on your actions. You can go to a quiet place or just sit down and think about your actions.
  2. Do your actions reflect your beliefs: now think about your actions and check if they align with your beliefs. How you treated that person, how you reacted to the receptionist, or to the person you wrongly dialed your number; do they all align with your beliefs?
  3. How can you improve? Then you need to think about ways you can improve. Not only that, you also need to think about ways you can act better next time you find yourself in such situations.
  4. Ask God for help: you need to also talk to God to help you to act better and to live a life that pleases Him.

How do you take stock of your actions? Do you care to share with us? Please share with us in the comment box below. Thank you!

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