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Inspiration Thursdays: Hands up ‘Tyler Perry’ we caught you!

Inspiration Thursdays: Hands up ‘Tyler Perry’ we caught you!

Welcome to Inspiration Thursdays!

Like the name implies – Inspiration Thursdays aim to inspire various areas of your life: spirituality, career, relationships/marriage…with success stories/videos of different individuals.

It is easy to admire the success story of certain individuals but we often forget that they were maybe broken at some points and have unpleasant stories to tell.

Great men/women have stories to tell and their stories can be a propeller for us. Today on Inspiration Thursdays we decided to inspire you with Tyler Perry’s story.

Tyler Perry is an actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, producer, author, and songwriter. Named by Forbes in 2011 as the highest paid man in entertainment. All these notable feats didn’t just happen overnight. Amazingly Tyler Perry had failed a couple of times before succeeding.

Tyler Perry got kicked out of high school and had attempted suicide twice, once as a teenager and another at the age of twenty-two. He was physically and sexually abused by a friend’s mother and three other men.

His first musical in 1990 titled “I know I have been changed” was a failure as nobody really came to watch. Yet he kept at it. Six years down the line he broke even. His shows were self-sponsored: he raised funds by odd jobs and sleeping in his car. In 2005, Forbes reported that he had sold over a $100 million in tickets and that the 300 live shows he produces each year were attended by an average of 35,000 people a week.

Watching this short video, I was able to learn these lessons from Tyler Perry:

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  1. Forgiveness: Tyler Perry had to forgive all those who had hurt him and it was all part of his building process. You need to learn to let go of the past in order to be able to face the future.
  2. Start small: Do not despise the days of little beginnings (Zec 4:10). Read little beginnings 1 and little beginnings 2. This simply means that you should start with what you have. You don’t have to keep wishing you have something bigger, what you have is enough. I have read stories of individuals who started their businesses with 500naira and some with no fund at all. The key is to start.
  3. Sometimes God will hide you: Tyler believes that God hides you because it isn’t time for you to be displayed. He believes that this stops you from accepting the wrong opportunities and that it is better for people to underestimate your capabilities. It may hurt, I know. I have been underestimated and I know it can be very painful but I love how God uses my life to surprise those who underestimate me.
  4. Focus: Tyler was able to focus on one thing which gave room for other things to follow suit. I understand that you may have different ideas but learn to focus on one and make it work. Learn how to focus.

I left out this last lesson because I wanted it to stand out. It is the most important of all – God’s Grace. Without God’s Grace, all our efforts are futile. He mentioned ignorance while speaking (something a few people may not understand) but I believe ignorance was his blessing because he had to rely on God’s leading totally for help. Sometimes we are all so knowledgeable that we forget to rely on God for help.

I remember when I was about to venture out into a field that I was totally ignorant about but I was going into it anyway because I knew I was led to. I could say that ignorance was a blessing and now I have learned and I am still learning to trust his leading first before allowing anyone else lead and if you are leading me through any medium just know it’s because God has led me to you.

I believe God is in the process of molding you into what he wants you to be. Every disappointment, frustration would work out for your good. Remember it is all part of your STORY. Everyone God selected had a story: Moses had a story, David had a story, Paul had a story. In our stories lies our beauty.

I hope you have been able to learn a thing or two on Inspiration Thursday? Till we come your way next week, stay blessed. 

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  • The lesson about ignorance resonates with me. It appears counterintuitive at first, but ignorance (in this context)works hand in hand with faith. Sometimes too much knowledge increases our doubts and fears. Trusting God and turning a blind eye (ignorance) to the possibilities of failure, ensures success.
    However, it is still important to acquire as much knowledge as possible about any venture, but it should always be subject to faith.

    • Yes we need sufficient information/knowledge like you right stated.Our emphasis should be on God first and being blind to impossiblities/limitations around us. There are things that if I had known then it may have discouraged me from starting out.

      I believe that anyone who follows His leadings would not shun information or mentorship. He leds you to the right opportunities and the right people to talk to. Of course He needs you to be willing and ready.

      I believe when we truly walk with God we embrace a life of excellence. God isn’t a God that encourages mediocrity. I also think that we shouldn’t limit ourselves with the excuse of I don’t know anything about this, so I won’t do it.

  • The principle of starting small and from where you are can never be overflogged. Contentment in the midst of drive is Knowing that what you been given by God is what you need to get on with your goals and all. And small really is relative so you’ll really have to be sincere with yourself what your “small” really is.

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