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Breaking free from the hold of pornography

Breaking free from the hold of pornography

Following the previous article on this subject matter, a particular feedback solidified my resolve to expound more on the topic.

You see, I’d come to the understanding of the different means whereby we are being served pornography long before I saw the movie ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ but the movie ‘made’ me write the article, to inform those who don’t know, and to show that in this world of ours, prior knowledge of a thing doesn’t just automatically protect you against that thing (like I thought), diligent watchfulness is important.

I am blessed to have been delivered from porn served by means of romance novels. Oh! How I loved to read them! But when I gained understanding and prayed to GOD for help, He blessed the sincerity of my heart by helping me develop a deep distaste for such books. That whenever I wanted to read them, I am thrown into this state of unease and my Spirit becomes disturbingly unsettled till I drop the book. It was a ‘miracle deliverance’ for me.

Now, having shared my own testimony, I know that may not work for everyone, I also know that my form of exposure too may seem trivial in comparison to others. So what is the way out? Here are some steps I believe is the way out of any addiction especially pornography;

  • Pray, Pray and pray some more. Yes, that has always worked for me. It’s my number one advice. Acknowledge that you have been living in sin with the addiction to porn and ask God’s forgiveness. He is always willing and ready to help those with GENUINE requests.
  • Be accountable to someone (you see why you need to pray? So you can know the right person to talk to. Not someone who will make you feel you are the worst sinner on this side of heaven!!!). See, there is no person who can break an addiction on their own. Not one person. Like it is said, ‘the power of sin is in its secrecy’.

If you are already saying in your heart “I’m not a Christian, will GOD hear my prayers?” Well, now is a good time to ask JESUS into your life. The truth is, there is also no breaking of addiction WITHOUT GOD! And no reaching GOD except THROUGH JESUS. To know more, click here

  •  After you have found someone to be accountable to (note that I didn’t say ‘with’ because you can’t be accountable to someone with the same struggles as you), now together with that person, isolate the media (plural of medium) through which pornography has entrance into your life.
  •  If there are any pornographic materials, get rid of them, if they are tangible, burn them. If they are not, for example, pictures, soft copy of movies, then DELETE them and don’t forget to empty your recycle bin (smiles) or any other recovery channel (and you can even be dramatic and have a solemn burial rite- just saying…). In fact, a medium of entrance may be your phone which you use to browse. You may have to dispose of it and make do with a phone without internet access. You can also activate ‘parental control’ on your PC or disconnect internet access entirely. No measure is too extreme I believe because addiction doesn’t have a mild hold either!
  • Garbage in garbage out (GIGO). Now, you have to fill your mind with Graceful Data. Read the Bible like your life depends on it because it does. Read edifying and inspiring Spiritual books. Listen to Christian music (I tell you, it’s a good consecration tool), always if possible. With speed, fill up your mind with the kind of Data that will keep you from going back to your vomit, not those that will draw you back to it.
  •  Don’t be deceived into thinking you can now handle it on your own! REMAIN ACCOUNTABLE.
  •  Confess and keep confessing to yourself every day: “I am the righteousness of GOD in Christ Jesus, I am free from this addiction as a bird from the snare of the fowler…” (2Cor 5:21, Romans 3:22, Psalm 124:7) etc… It helps remind your mind that a new nature is now taking over!
  • Take it one day at a time!
  •  And then, pray some more!!!(smiles)

Don’t ever believe that you are beyond redemption. Don’t believe you can’t live without pornography. It’s ALL in the mind. When you fix your mind on Christ (Phil 2:5, 1Cor 2:16), by giving your life to Him and studying His Word, you will find you can live a full life ABOVE the addiction

See Also

It is important to know that breaking free from pornography addiction has to be sincerely and genuinely desired, else no matter how one applies oneself to the advice above, one will always fail. May there be an outpouring of Grace on us ALL in Jesus name. AMEN.

On a lighter note, for those who love novels like me, who think they can’t get, edifying, wholesome Christian novels (romance, suspense, thriller…), well you can. You can check out these Authors, I highly recommend them: Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Lori Copeland, Dee Henderson, Frank Peretti, Ted Dekker, just to mention a few. Thank me later! (Smiles)

I stumbled on this yesterday via Facebook, it’s an interview with Kirk Franklin in the year 2005, his own battle story over pornography. Read here.

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