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About The Minimalist Style

About The Minimalist Style

As environmentalists try to save Mother Earth from the environmental and humanitarian crisis she faces, certain lifestyles that promote sustainable living have emerged. These lifestyles affect how we live, eat, and dress even. One of such is minimalist fashion. A trend globally spread by the likes of Yohi Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo. Fashion minimalism is a trend that advocates for sustainability while riding a wardrobe of unnecessary clothes.

Who is the fashion minimalist then?

Read along!


The motto of the fashion minimalist is “less is more”. Hence, a fashion minimalist is anyone who sticks to the acquisition of minimal amounts of clothes. This is a person who can look effortlessly stylish with a few pieces of clothing. It requires avoiding trends and making do with what you have. Fashion minimalism entails making a conscious effort to cut back on a lot of clothing and keeping what you feel is necessary. It involves intentionality in having less. It implies maintaining simplicity and quality.  


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  1. White shirts and t-shirts: White shirts and t-shirts are the pointers in a minimalist wardrobe. This is because of their flexibility where you can always switch them up to fit different style scenarios. The way they add chic, style, and class in a simple manner is another reason why the minimalist opts for them. 
  2. Neutrals/Pastels: The toned-down effect pastels and neutral have on clothes makes them irresistible to the minimalist. As the anthem of minimalism is “less is more”, neutrals and pastels afford one the opportunity to wear less and be more.
  3. Denim: Minimalism emphasizes sticking with essentials, versatile items are a must-have. Denim is a versatile clothing. It can be bought and worn in different patterns, with various clothes. Hence, if you are leaning towards sustainable fashion, denim is a necessity. 
  4. Minimalist accessories: Clothing accessories include shoes, bags, and jewelry. One way to know a minimalist is by their accessories. It is simple, classy, and sustainable. 
  5. Thrifted items: Buying thrifted clothes is a way to sustainable living. Hence, most minimalists are subscribing to the lifestyle. This is because it is budget friendly, and it helps with saving the environment. 


You might be contemplating joining the minimalist bandwagon. If you are, here are some reasons why it would not be a bad idea;

  1. It makes for appreciation: In the process of uncluttering, there is room for appreciation of what remains. It enables the maximization of your clothes, whereas clutter implies having many and not using them. 
  2. It appeals to your creative side: The thing with having less is that it tests your creative side. With minimalism, you would have to come up with different styles from the little clothes you have. 
  3.  It is budget friendly: This is the best trend for your finances. To avoid clutter, you would have to be intentional with your purchases. Hence, giving little or no room for impulsive buying. 
  4. It is environment friendly: With minimalism, it is quality over quantity. Therefore, it rejects fast fashion and embraces sustainable living.

In conclusion, if you are leaning towards sustainability and still want to save up, this is the trend for you.

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