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Stay in Your Lane – Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Stay in Your Lane – Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

As a Nigerian, comparison is a common attribute in our culture. In school, we are compared with our peers that have higher grades than us. I am sure most of us might have heard the common saying “Do they have two heads?” This statement refers to the comparison of one to someone who might be doing better. 

On a more global scale, keeping Up with the Joneses and social media has created a larger platform for comparison. Everywhere you turn, it seems like everybody is living their best life, getting richer, buying new houses, car etc. In fact, I had a friend who cried to me when she found out her ex got married before her and she could not understand why God will allow that to happen to her. She compared herself to the new girl her ex was engaged to and found herself in a dark place. How many of us are guilty of this and comparing ourselves to other people? 

The question is how does God view the spirit of comparison? 

 Romans 12:6 (MSG)

“Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.” 

Colossians 3:2 (NIV)

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” 

 1 Corinthians 3:3 (NIV)

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“You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?” 

When I read this verse, the very first part of the verse speaks to me where I believe God is reminding us that we are his before anything. We should not compare our lives to others because we were made for a purpose. Comparison steals our joy, peace, and precious time that we are given on earth. We must also understand that our story is different, and God has a season for everything on earth. Just because you are in a still season and your friend is in a contrasting season does not mean your blessings will not home. 

You have to very careful with social media because not all that glitters is gold. Social media is heavily curated, and most people show their highlights. Behind the smiles and perfect photos are people just like us striving to find happiness and overcome problems that you may not be aware of. Take into consideration that you will never have the full picture of someone else’s life so do not compare your journey. 

I encourage you to practice gratitude and contentment especially when you are tempted to compare your life to another person’s life. Be grateful for your portion. Thank God for the blessings He has given you and do not envy your neighbor. Celebrate others without jealousy and above all, love your neighbor.

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