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Musings of a cranky ‘Pregnant’ woman

Musings of a cranky ‘Pregnant’ woman

Inhale, Exhale…

The contractions keep coming

How many seconds apart?

Mschew who cares

Who says ladies who are heavy are cranky?

Do I sound cranky to you?

The only word I can remember faintly is ‘breath’

The labour room is where I war to set this being in me free

I could feel the pain yet again from the contractions

I am fighting to stay conscious; everyone seems to be moving to and fro

Isn’t it time yet??


Let me share a secret with you before you read any further – I wasn’t impregnated by a man! This wasn’t boy meets girl and little creatures happen – well that’s not what happened. This isn’t to defy your biological theories. Don’t go rolling your eye at me and saying –“Is she claiming to be Mary?” Well, in this case, I am! We both don’t share many dissimilarities at this point. Isn’t it striking that the letters of our names start with “M” – call that coincidence, I would call it divine-incidence. Human beings sha, they try to commonize or explain your miracle.

In my own case, there is no Joseph to take sole responsibility for this and I don’t envision myself giving birth to this being in the confines of a stable (not that there will be any around). Yes, you read right, it is still a being to me. “How dare she address her baby as it?” Guess the human right activists here are ready to jump on my throat right now.

In due time you can decide to chop off my head for addressing the baby as “it” but I am sure you will have a change of mind at the end of the article. So where do I begin from? I studied Civil Engineering in school and I guess this was where the story began.

If anyone had told me I’ll be treading down this path with a pregnancy, I would have debunked that fact at least not this kind of pregnancy – I guess life happened. Don’t get me wrong: I am happy about being pregnant but society may not be so happy about it, maybe. They weren’t happy about Mary’s pregnancy either. So, who cares what society thinks? Oh but I do care about what society thinks but not in a dogmatic manner.

Breaking out of the norm is something I have now come to cherish and like the story goes this all started after graduation. I have slowly come to understand that fitting in isn’t something I wanted to do. When the four walls of the university were slowly closing on me, I came to the reality of the question of what next. While some of my mates were getting scared of the world out there, I had asked myself this question several times “Who was I becoming?”

The answer that I got is the reason for my pregnancy. I am pregnant because I chose a different path from what I studied in school.

Let me make this a bit clearer before you add madness to the list of things you have diagnosed to be wrong with me. I decided I wasn’t going to be limited by the expectations of society. How can she study Engineering yet she has chosen to be a Publisher, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Communication Expert?

She has chosen to have a bastard for a baby. Yet I refuse for my pregnancy to be aborted. I have chosen to carry this pregnancy which is my dreams and to birth greatness. I have decided to follow a path that is not limited and in whatever I am doing either as an Engineer or a Media practitioner, I know I am pregnant with greatness. Inspiration spews forth from me daily.

In this sojourn, I have decided to not be limited by the standards of others. I have decided to birth greatness. I know trying times will come and moments of uncertainty will come but I will also wait for an opportunity as I prepare daily for my delivery.

So, if you are like me; people or the society may consider as “Misfits” or “Nonconformist” I say bigger cheers to us. I recently got to meet an accountant who is a makeup artist and I was happy to call him my kinsman even though it wasn’t because of the fact that we are from the same state. At least my baby will have uncles and aunties. As generations come, I believe our society will grow to welcome us who are called “Misfits” and know that though we seem abnormal we are the new normal.

Don’t join the rat race, you will only be a rat!

*Speaking of pregnancy o! Mehn! I think I am starting to realize what my mom went through. I hadn’t really given pregnancy much of a thought before (Don’t think I am liking the stories I am hearing). Sometimes we tend to think about having children without thinking of the process (you berra start thinking o). I watched a video by Sisi Yemmie and it got me thinking who I would prefer when the time comes – A Male or a Female doctor? As a man would you prefer “a male/a female doctor” for your wife’s delivery or you are indifferent? That is gist for another day…


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  • Well… this may be unrelated to the initial message (which was kinda cryptic) of this article but I’m going to answer the pregnancy delivery question.

    *dramatic pause before rant storm*

    Lol… female doctor please! I Can’t have another man putting his whole hands in my wife’s vagina. Does he know how much it took me to gain that access? And I’m the one paying too!

    It’s not fair… would my wife rest easy if she knowing when I’ve grown older with aching bones that there’s a young lady physiotherapist loosening my knots?

    • Dear Concerned Citizen,

      Lolz, Of course you pay the bills, so its definitely your call. I am also sure your wife may prefer a female doctor during her delivery…Thanks for commenting.


  • Well….
    I’m very indifferent about if its a Male or Female doctor. Honestly I just want my woman back INTACT and with my child/children(in case of twins or triplets)

    Safe delivery should be the most important thing….

    • Well, I guess men are really indifferent as to who delivers their babies except for a few who have reservations. Anyways, I guess it steams from the fact that men have protective instinct. Great to know 🙂

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