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Five Ways To Improve A Bad Day

Five Ways To Improve A Bad Day

No one ever looks forward to a bad day. We all want days filled with good spirit, productivity, love, laughter, fun, and sun that is good for your skin. Regardless of how thrilling it seems, it is quite unhealthy and unrealistic to rule out the possibility of having a bad day occasionally. 

Typically, bad days are days when the usual zest, willfulness, and cheerful mood a healthy person inhibits is absent. Negative and futile behaviors steer the wheels on these days causing worry, anxiety, stress, anger, and frustration. Bad days look like the following:

  1. Inability to concentrate or finish up a task at work or school 
  2. Argument with family or friends.
  3. Waking up to an unusual grumpy you.
  4. A missed opportunity. 
  5. Starting the day off the wrong note.

Despite what experts say of bad days being a natural phenomenon, negative emotions or actions always have a marring effect in the long run. It is in your best interest to learn ways in which you can alleviate your feelings or emotions on such days. This suggests striving for ways to improve your moods once you notice behavioral changes on a particular day. Bearing in mind that failure to rein in these kinds of things can have a deteriorating effect on one’s disposition. 

For today’s post, I will be sharing five practical tips I have used to better my overall well-being on low days. 

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And they include: 

  1. Take a walk: Walking is beneficial for both physical and mental health. In dealing with a bad day, it is quite helpful. Walking increases blood flow which in turn has a positive effect on your hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis. And the HPA axis is responsible for your stress response. Hence, walking helps in calming nerves and making room for clear reasoning. I strongly recommend if you find yourself in a bad mood.
  2. Listen to music: Apart from its fun value, music has a constructive impact on the brain. Considering that a stable and strong disposition stems from positive emotions and affirmations. Music is a powerful tool for positive change. On a bad day, music with good lyrics and bright musical tones can do serious wonders in a jiffy.
  3. Journal: Journaling is important in expressing and processing emotions. It involves writing your thoughts and emotions to understand them clearly. It is a psychological instrument that facilitates an awareness of your feelings. It also helps in deliberating on solutions and implementing these solutions for an overall wellbeing. When frustration sets in at work or school, journaling is a prerequisite for an improved “rest of the day”.
  4. Breathe deeply: Deep breathing is a practice that helps in soothing nerves, reducing stress hormones in the body, and enhancing health. Given that deep breathing assists one in focusing on tasks and calming hormones, incorporating this activity into one’s day sets the tone for positive dispositions. 
  5. Rest: For productivity to be at its peak, rest is a vital part of that process. This is because a stressed mind or body cannot be effective or proactive. Most times, a bad day is because of stress or fatigue from previous days. Thus, when there is a constant repetition of unproductive or bad days, it is a clear indicator that your body and mind need rest. And once that is done, you notice that your mind and body become energized, refreshed, and revitalized for productive and healthy living. 

Bad days are not fatal or disastrous. They are just challenging days that can turn for the better if handled properly. If you are clueless on how to handle such days, this post is for you.

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