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Eight Mini-date Ideas Ideal For Christian Couples

Eight Mini-date Ideas Ideal For Christian Couples

Contrary to popular belief, Christian relationships are not boring or unsatisfying. It is more about the people involved, the intentionality shown, and effort they put into making time spent with each other, worthwhile. This is not to discredit the fact that, from a secular perspective, it can be quite the job, considering that God is the center. In this kind, most of what the world considers exciting, or pleasing will not be entertained. Notwithstanding, a God-centered relationship is not the end of fun, excitement, and satisfaction. It implies that godliness would be a key factor in such relationships.

In 2022, a unique way to enliven a relationship, Christian or non-Christian alike, is by a mini date. As opposed to regular dates, a mini date is a shorter and less expensive form. Here, it is primarily a function of intentionality and thoughtfulness. A mini date is the perfect medium to “wow” or add a fun element into any relationship. It is also a good way to reconnect and communicate with each other. 

So, are you a Christian and interested in “wowing a partner or loved one? Grab a seat and continue reading for ways to spice up a relationship in a godly yet fun manner:

See Also

  1. Try a DIY together: What better way to learn and create with your partner? YouTube or TikTok? The choice is yours. DIYs are a favorite for couples intending to spend quality time and enjoy each other’s company.
  2. Spontaneous Picnics: In relationships, spontaneity is never a bad idea. What makes it even better, is adding spontaneity to such a classic as a picnic. Spontaneous picnics make for fun, fervor, and bonding in any romantic relationship. 
  3. Weddings: As an intending couple, attending weddings together is a good mini-date idea. First, you get to play dress up. Second, it gives an insight into where the relationship is headed and what your own wedding will look like if all goes well.
  4. Attend a church service together: For Christian couples, nothing can be more fun or exciting like, worshiping, praying, giving, and hearing the word of God together. It is a guaranteed date-like space to grow, learn, and unlearn together.
  5. Visit a museum or art gallery: If you are a pair into art and craft, visiting an art environment is top of the chart in a mini-date list. It shows thoughtfulness, connectivity, and does not necessarily break the bank. 
  6. Watch an inspiring movie: Watching movies together is a fun and entertaining way to connect with each other. For a Christian couple, being mindful of what you watch or see together or alone is vital. To avoid temptation. Hence, it is important that you (the couple) watch only movies that inspire, entertain, and edify. 
  7. Make a video/Take pictures: For this, you can either dress up or not. However, the goal is to enjoy, love, and be your authentic self in the company of your partner.
  8. Go thrifting: About making time spent with a romantic partner count? Sustainable and affordable shopping is the go-to. It entails getting to know each other’s taste, likes, wants, and financial values.

It does not always have to be the grandest gesture. Even minute things like a mini date can go a long way to enhance and strengthen romantic relationships. What are your thoughts on mini date? Is it worth incorporating into your relationship?

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