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Challenge: Create a to-do list daily, starting from today!

I prefer the traditional method of creating a to-do list. I use a journal or colourful sticky notes for my to-do list.  I recently bought a marker board to write down each new project I am working on and for brainstorming of ideas. I also wanted it to be a visible reminder at the start of each day.

Whichever style works for you is totally fine, you may prefer using an app to using a journal. If you prefer using an app, I recommend Todoist. With Todoist you can create sub-tasks and subprojects. It has many other features that help optimize your productivity.


As random as creating a to-do list may seem, it is a key activity in boosting your productivity daily. I noticed that the days I chose to create a to-do list were my most productive days. I was able to track my progress effectively. Whenever I do not finish a task on the scheduled day, I carry it over to the next day.

  1. Arrange your tasks in an order of priority; some people recommend starting with the easiest task but I recommend you arrange each task according to its order of priority. That way if you aren’t able to complete your daily task you will be left with the less important tasks, which you can carry over to the next day.
  2. Weave your to-do-list into your future goals; I create a schedule based on a specific area of my life that I want to focus on or get results. Here is how to get this done;

Start by picking a goal for the year in a particular sector i.e Business, Career, Academic. After selecting a goal for the year break it into monthly goals (possibly from Jan – Dec). Break the monthly goals into weekly goals and the weekly goals into sub weekly goals and sub weekly goals into daily goals that can be integrated into your daily to-do-lists. Here is a step-by-step example;

CAREER; Write a book

Monthly Goals

  • January; Finish Chapter one
  • February; Finish Chapter two

Weekly Goals

  • January;

– Week One; Research on how to write a book

Sub Weekly Goals

  • Week One

– Monday; Buy an E-book on Amazon – How to become a self-publisher

– Tuesday; Start a blog

-Wednesday; Become friends with a writer

Daily Goals

See Also

Task 1; Read the E-Book

Task 2; Take a nap

To-do-list on Excel
Sample planner on Excel

I tried to make it as simple as possible. The purpose of this brief exercise is to be able to break the overall goal into smaller goals and then smaller tasks and weave it into your daily to-do-list. In accomplishing the overall yearly goal of writing a book you would have to have this on your daily to-do list;

  • Write daily
  • Read a book per week

There are other methods to try out if this is too complex and time-consuming. This method is targeted at addressing a specific area i.e career, business, finance…in your daily to-do-list and it helps you work towards achieving long time goals. In planning your long time and short time goals, you must ensure that your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Bound).

3. Set a time frame for each of the tasks/activities on your to-do-list

Creating a to-do-list is not as burdensome as it seems, once you get a hang of it, it becomes very easy and enjoyable to do. I love when I tick off each task after I have accomplished them.

Don’t forget to leave a comment and also tweet about this challenge using the hashtag #7daysproductivitychallenge #shalomtruthsmag

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  • Awesome starting point. This helps to reduce, if not completely erase, the panic of having ‘so much to do’ with little time. Hence, you get to accomplish much more as you only have to focus on the prioritized task per time which in turns keeps your mind at peace.

    • True Cynthia! It totally eliminates the panic of having so much to do and I believe it helps save time too. That is why it seems some have more time than others. However, We have all been given the same 24 hours,it just depends on how we maximize it with careful planning.

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