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Can a Christian be a politician or not?

Can a Christian be a politician or not?

Amazingly, I have struggled with this thought a lot and I am sure there are a lot of Christians out there who have.

Mine wasn’t related to the political side. My own struggle was if it was okay for a Christian to be career inclined.

It just felt like Jesus was going to come anyway so what is the point of a career or any other thing (I may as well have stopped eating, lol), I’ll just sit and wait for His coming and do nothing other than talk about his coming and I felt saying anything besides this was a SIN.

I wasn’t comfortable sharing my views about other topics that may not be deemed ‘Christian’ but I later came to understand that as a Christians we are supposed to have a voice about any and everything with the word of God as its foundation.

I’d share a lesson I learned during a camp meeting in August and this lesson has spurred me to want to do more. Here is what the teacher said –

“A certain billionaire ( the name was withdrawn) declared that he was gay and not too long afterward a law was passed in America for gay rights. Imagine if the richest man in Nigeria wanted a law to be passed in Nigeria, in order not to lose him and his investments such laws may be legalized to accommodate him”.

That made me understand that a lot of things have gone wrong because we as Christians have refused to take our place in the different sectors.

Yes, there are certain places I wouldn’t advice a Christian to work in but as Christians, we should be influencing politics, business, fashion…We should show Gods way of leadership just like David in where we have been called to have dominion.

The Bible in Mat.5.16 says “Even so let your light shine before men; that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

Taking a look at the disciples, some of the disciples were lawyers, accountants, fishermen and maybe politicians also. So I do believe our duty is to use our calling for God. I was pleased one day when I saw a speaker attached to a man’s bus which he was using for evangelism. That was his work tool but he was using it to bring Glory to God.

Yes, I believe a Christian can be a politician and I believe we need more Christians in Politics. Now over to you: Can a Christian be a politician or not?

Next, up on Topical Issues, we are going to be treating “Should a Christian work in a brewery?”  So watch this space for more 🙂 and send in other issues you want to be addressed to

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  • Why not? What was Daniel in the Bible? Or were the posts uncle Nebu (lol) gave him clerical? What about Joseph, Nehemiah? Abraham had Abimelech for a contemporary. These people had value that could serve a nation. Even Jesus was given a blank cheque to become ruler.

    May I say though that “Earth” is way way different from “the world”? Christians, non-Christians live on Earth, while human activities are carried out in “the world”.

  • Quite true, thank you for commenting. I believe a lot of people don’t understand this, hence, the need for it to be addressed and I am sure people would learn from this perspective which you have shared.

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